Marta Simoncini

Marta Simoncini is an assistant professor in administrative law at Luiss University. Marta holds a PhD in administrative law (University of Pisa), a Laurea in Political Sciences, majoring law (University of Pisa) and a University Diploma in the same area (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa). Prior to joining Luiss University, Marta was an FWO post-doctoral fellow at King’s College London and the University of Antwerp, a fellow in EU law at University College London and a Max Weber fellow at the European University Institute. Marta is also a fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy.

Her research interests cover administrative law and governance, in particular the check-and-balances applicable to discretion, especially in the context of risk-based regulation. She published in peer-reviewed journals, such as the Yearbook of European Law, Common Market Law Review, and the European Journal of Risk Regulation. She also authored two monographs for Hart Publishing (2018) and Editoriale Scientifica (2010) and she co-edited a volume for Routledge (2017).